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Friday 28 August 2015


The title of Bonnie Tyler's 1977 hit song, "Lost in France" came to me when I looked at this photograph taken a few years ago in Montmartre. The lady on the right steps tentatively into the intersection and certainly looks lost while the young lady on the left earnestly seeks direction from her Paris guide book.

My question is, "Why bother? When you don't know where you're going, any map will do." Why don't they pop into
La Bonne Franquette, order a glass of wine and relax?

Why don't you click on the link above, listen to Bonnie Tyler and remember what you were doing in 1977?

Septembre 2011


1 comment:

  1. Superbe endroit,,bonjour belge.
    http://louisette.eklablog.com blog de ma ville Mons
